Raiyan’s descriptive reflection

Dear Professor Brad,

My name is Mohammed Raiyan, and I am writing this letter to formally introduce myself as your student in the UCS1001 S20 class. I hold a Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from Ngee Ann Polytechnic. My passion for engineering began with the release of the first Iron Man movie, where I was fascinated by the mechanics behind the Iron Man suit. This initial curiosity evolved into a deep interest in automobiles. As a car enthusiast, I am captivated by the power, design, and precision of cars. Driven by this passion, I have personally worked on my own vehicle, replacing faulty components and continuously seeking to expanding my knowledge through YouTube tutorials. This hands-on experience motivated me to pursue a degree in mechanical engineering at SIT, with the goal of advancing into the automotive industry.

Based on my experience so far, I believe my strength in communication lies in empathy. Empathy is essential in group settings, as it helps you understand and connect with the emotions of others, fostering stronger relationships and more productive teamwork. In a recent work experience, I collaborated with individuals from different backgrounds and levels of expertise, which presented challenges—especially in earning the respect of those with more experience. However, by leveraging my empathy, I was able to understand their perspectives and establish effective communication based on mutual respect. This allowed us to work together smoothly and achieve our shared goals. Given this experience, I am confident that I have significantly refined this skill and can apply it effectively in future group environments to promote stronger collaboration and deeper understanding.

As a human being, I also have a weakness in communication, particularly when it comes to public speaking in front of large audiences. I've always found this challenging because, as a people-pleaser, I tend to be highly conscious of how others perceive me. This heightened self-awareness often makes me worry about being judged, criticized, or not meeting the audience's expectations. As a result, I sometimes do experience nervousness, sweating or a racing heart, which can escalate into moments where I completely lose my train of thought. This not only disrupts my ability to convey my message clearly but also makes me more self-conscious in the moment, that will further affect my performance to fully express my ideas to the audience. 

My goals for this module are to build the confidence to speak in front of larger audiences during presentations and to learn how to write professional reports effectively. I believe these skills will be invaluable in preparing me to handle clients, both locally and internationally, in the future. I look forward to learning from you and gaining valuable insights throughout the module.

Yours sincerely,

Mohammed Raiyan


  1. Hi Raiyan! Great letter! It was very interesting to hear you talk about your strengths and weaknesses in communications as I can resonate with them! Overall, a well-written letter however I believe that perhaps the letter itself is a tad bit too long and could be cut down a little bit. Overall, great job!

  2. Hi Raiyan! Overall, your letter is thoughtful and well-written, with good use of personal experience and clear articulation of strengths, weaknesses, and goals. A few minor refinements in sentence structure and clarity would enhance the flow and readability. Furthermore, trimming down long sentences and paragraphs would make the letter more impactful.

  3. Hi Raiyan, looking forward to working with you on future projects. I like how friendly you are, and I like the way you develop your interest for machinal engineering. Overall this is a very well written letter, hope to see you in school.

  4. Hi Raiyan,

    Upon reading your reflection, I realised that both of us are hooked onto engineering due to automobiles. We also share the same reason for the fear of public speaking which is being concerned about how our image is perceived by the audience. I really like the part where you explained about how having empathy gave you an edge to working together with your partners.

    Great work on your reflection! I am glad that I had the opportunity to learn so much about you, especially since we came from the same course in polytechnic. All the best in achieving your targeted goals for this module. See you around in school!


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